par ordre alphabétique
- A Bloody Spear on Mount Fuji (1955)
- À bout de souffle (1960)
- A Corner of Heaven (2014)
- A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014)
- A Hard Day's Night (1964)
- A l'origine d'un cri (2010)
- A l'ouest de Pluton (2008)
- À l'Ouest des rails (2003)
- À la poursuite de la paix (2015)
- A Letter to Momo (2011)
- A Liar's Autobiography - The Untrue Story of Monty Python's Graham Chapman (2012)
- A Most Violent Year (2014)
- A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence (2014)
- À plein temps (2021)
- A quelle heure le train pour nulle part (2009)
- A Quiet Place (2018)
- A Report on the Party and Guests (1966)
- A Russian Youth (2019)
- A Shot in the Dark (1964)
- A Touch of Sin (2013)
- À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas (2018)
- Ababouiné (2024)
- About Elly (2009)
- Abraham Lincoln (1930)
- Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)
- Acadie, l'Acadie?!?, L' (1971)
- Accattone (1961)
- Across the Universe (2007)
- Act of Killing, The (2012)
- Ad Astra (2019)
- Adaptation. (2002)
- Adieux à la reine, Les (2012)
- Adrift in Tokyo (2007)
- Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1938)
- Adventures of Tintin, The (2011)
- Affaire des divisions Morituri, L' (1985)
- Affaire Dumont, L' (2012)
- Affaire Farewell, L' (2009)
- Affamés, Les (2017)
- Afflicted (2013)
- After Earth (2013)
- After Life (1998)
- After Midnight (1927)
- After Yang (2021)
- Ah Humanity! (2015)
- Ailleurs (2017)
- Air Doll (2009)
- Albert Nobbs (2011)
- Alcarràs (2022)
- Alien (1979)
- Alien: Covenant (2017)
- Alien: Resurrection (1997)
- Alien: Romulus (2024)
- Aliens (1986)
- Aliens vs Predator - Requiem (2007)
- Alien³ (1992)
- Aline (2020)
- All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
- All That Heaven Allows (1955)
- All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (2022)
- All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006)
- All the President's Men (1976)
- All the President's Men (1976)
- All You Can Eat Bouddha (2018)
- Almost Human (1974)
- Alphée des étoiles (2012)
- Altered States (1980)
- Amants (2020)
- Amazing Spider-Man 2, The (2014)
- Amazing Spider-Man, The (2012)
- Amer (2009)
- American Honey (2016)
- American Hustle (2013)
- American Pop (1981)
- American Radical : The Trials of Norman Finkelstein (2009)
- American Reunion (2012)
- American Sniper (2014)
- American, The (2010)
- Âmes mortes, Les (2018)
- Ammonite (2020)
- Amour (2012)
- Amour au temps de la guerre civile, L' (2014)
- Amour de jeunesse, Un (2011)
- Amour en fuite, L' (1979)
- Amour fou, L' (2010)
- Amour ouf, L' (2024)
- Amour, L' (2018)
- Amour, L' (2018)
- Amour, L' (2018)
- Amours aveugles (2008)
- Amours imaginaires, Les (2010)
- Anatomie d'une chute (2023)
- And Your Bird Can Sing (2018)
- Andrei Rublev (1966)
- Angels with Dirty Faces (1938)
- Angels' Share, The (2012)
- Angle mort (2011)
- Animal Kingdom (2010)
- Animosity (2013)
- Anna Karenina (2012)
- Anne Trister (1986)
- Anonymous (2011)
- Another Earth (2011)
- Another Year (2010)
- Ant-Man (2015)
- Antichrist (2009)
- Antiviral (2012)
- Apollon de Gaza, L' (2018)
- Apollonide, L': Souvenirs de la maison close (2011)
- Apprentice, The (2024)
- Après la tempête (2016)
- Après mai (2012)
- Arabian Nights: Volume 1 - The Restless One (2015)
- Arabian Nights: Volume 2 - The Desolate One (2015)
- Arabian Nights: Volume 3 - The Enchanted One (2015)
- Ararat (2002)
- Aren't You Happy? (2019)
- Argo (2012)
- Armadillo (2010)
- Armstrong Lie, The (2013)
- Army of the Dead (2021)
- Arnacoeur, L' (2010)
- Arrival (2016)
- Arsenault et fils (2022)
- Artist, The (2011)
- As bestas (2022)
- Asako I & II (2018)
- Assembly (2007)
- Astérix & Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre (2002)
- Asteroid City (2023)
- At Eternity's Gate (2018)
- At the Devil's Door (2014)
- Atlantide, L' (1921)
- Atonement (2007)
- Au poste! (2018)
- Automat, The (2021)
- Autre homme, Un (2008)
- Avant les rues (2016)
- Avatar (2009)
- Avengers, The (2012)
- Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
- Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
- Aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec, Les (2010)
- Baby Driver (2017)
- Bad Boys (1995)
- Bad Sleep Well, The (1960)
- Baiser s'il vous plaît, Un (2007)
- Baisers volés (1968)
- Bait (2019)
- Band's Visit, The (2007)
- Bandaged (2009)
- Bandslam (2009)
- Bang Bang Club, The (2010)
- Bar Salon (1974)
- Barbara (2012)
- Barbarian (2022)
- Bas-fonds (2010)
- Bataille de Solférino, La (2013)
- Batman, The (2022)
- Batman: Gotham Knight (2008)
- Battle Beyond the Stars (1980)
- Battle Royale (2000)
- Battle: Los Angeles (2011)
- Battledream Chronicle (2015)
- Battleship (2012)
- Bay, The (2012)
- Be Kind Rewind (2008)
- Beans (2020)
- Beastly (2011)
- Beastmaster, The (1982)
- Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)
- Beat the Devil (1953)
- Beau is Afraid (2023)
- Beautiful Boy (2010)
- Beauty and the Breast (2012)
- Beaux Gosses, Les (2009)
- Beaver, The (2011)
- Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe (2022)
- Before the Fall (2008)
- Beginners (2010)
- Being John Malkovich (1999)
- Belle de jour (1967)
- Belle épine (2010)
- Bellflower (2011)
- Ben X (2007)
- Berberian Sound Studio (2012)
- Bernie (2011)
- Best Worst Movie (2009)
- Bestiaire (2012)
- Betty (1992)
- Beyond the Hills (2012)
- Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes (2021)
- BFG, The (2016)
- Bidonville : architecture de la ville future (2013)
- Big Bad Wolves (2013)
- Big Fan (2009)
- Big House, The (2018)
- Big Sleep, The (1946)
- Bird People (2014)
- Bird with the Crystal Plumage, The (1970)
- Birdemic 3: Sea Eagle (2022)
- Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014)
- Birth of a Nation, The (1915)
- Biutiful (2010)
- Black (2009)
- Black Book (2006)
- Black Bus (2009)
- Black Christmas (1974)
- Black Conflux (2019)
- Black Panther (2018)
- Black Sunday (1960)
- Black Swan (2010)
- Blackhat (2015)
- BlacKkKlansman (2018)
- Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
- Blair Witch (2016)
- Blank City (2009)
- Bleak Night (2010)
- Blind Side, The (2009)
- Blood Feast (1963)
- Blood Quantum (2019)
- Blow-Up (1966)
- Blue Hour, The (2015)
- Blue Jasmine (2013)
- Blue Valentine (2010)
- Blue Velvet (1986)
- BM du Seigneur, La (2010)
- Body Snatcher, The (1945)
- Boléro (2024)
- Bones and All (2022)
- Book of Blood (2009)
- Book of Eli, The (2010)
- Bootlegger (2021)
- Borderline (2008)
- Bottoms (2023)
- Bourne Legacy, The (2012)
- Bourne Ultimatum, The (2007)
- Bouton de nacre, Le (2015)
- Box, The (2009)
- Boxer and Death, The (1963)
- Boy and His Dog, A (1975)
- Boy and the World, The (2013)
- Brave (2012)
- Brave One, The (2007)
- Bread Day* (1998)
- Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
- Breakfast Club, The (1985)
- Breathless (2009)
- Brick (2005)
- Bridesmaids (2011)
- Bridgend (2015)
- Bright Star (2009)
- Broken Blossoms (1919)
- Brothers Bloom, The (2008)
- Bruit des glaçons, Le (2010)
- Bruit des moteurs, Le (2021)
- Brunante, La (2007)
- Bruno Reidal (2021)
- Brutalist, The (2024)
- Bucket of Blood, A (1959)
- Bully (2011)
- Buried (2010)
- Burke and Hare (2010)
- Bus Palladium (2010)
- Cabin in the Woods, The (2011)
- Cabin in the Woods, The (2011)
- Cabiria (1914)
- Cadavres (2009)
- Café de Flore (2011)
- Café Society (2016)
- Camille Claudel 1915 (2013)
- Camille redouble (2012)
- Camion (2012)
- Campaign, The (2012)
- Candyman (2021)
- Canterbury Tales, The (1972)
- Canyons, The (2013)
- Capricorn One (1977)
- Captain America: Civil War (2016)
- Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
- Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
- Captain Blood (1935)
- Captain Kronos - Vampire Hunter (1974)
- Captain Marvel (2019)
- Captain Phillips (2013)
- Captive du désert, La (1990)
- Carabiniers, Les (1963)
- Carancho (2010)
- Carlos (2010)
- Carnage (2011)
- Carnival of Souls (1962)
- Carol (2015)
- Carrie (2013)
- Cars That Ate Paris, The (1974)
- Cas Roberge: Le film, Le (2008)
- Casa de mi Padre (2012)
- Casablanca (1942)
- Cassandra's Dream (2007)
- Castaway on the Moon (2009)
- Castle in the Sky (1986)
- Castle of Cagliostro, The (1979)
- Catch Me If You Can (2002)
- Catimini (2012)
- Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2010)
- Ce coeur qui bat (2010)
- Celeste and Jesse Forever (2012)
- Cemetery of Splendour (2015)
- Cendres du temps, Les (1994)
- Centurion (2010)
- Certains de mes amis (2017)
- Cette maison (2022)
- Cézanne et moi (2016)
- Cézanne et moi (2016)
- Cézanne et moi (2016)
- Cézanne et moi (2016)
- Chagrin et la pitié, Le (1969)
- Chained (2012)
- Chambres rouges, Les (2023)
- Change-Up, The (2011)
- Chasing Mavericks (2012)
- Chasing Trane: The John Coltrane Documentary (2016)
- Chasse au Godard d'Abbittibbi (2013)
- Chasse, La (2012)
- Chasse-Galerie : La légende (2016)
- Chatroom (2010)
- Cher Jackie (2021)
- Cherry Blossoms (2008)
- Chien de garde (2018)
- Children Who Chase Lost Voices From Deep Below (2011)
- Chimera, La (2023)
- China Heavyweight (2012)
- Choke (2008)
- Chorus (2015)
- Christmas at Moose Factory (1971)
- Christmas on Mars (2008)
- Chronicle (2012)
- Chuck (2016)
- Chute de Sparte, La (2018)
- Cinq diables, Les (2022)
- Citizen Kane (1941)
- Citizenfour (2014)
- City Hall (2020)
- City of Ember (2008)
- City of Life and Death (2009)
- City of Violence, The (2006)
- Claire l'hiver (2017)
- Clash of the Titans (2010)
- Clash of the Titans (1981)
- Cliff Walkers (2021)
- Clockwork Orange, A (1971)
- Clone Returns Home, The (2008)
- Close (2022)
- Closely Watched Trains (1966)
- Closer to God (2014)
- Cloud Atlas (2012)
- Cloverfield (2008)
- Club, The (2015)
- Cochon de Gaza, Le (2011)
- Coco avant Chanel (2009)
- Cohabiter (2024)
- Coldshot (2020)
- Colt Is My Passport, A (1967)
- Combat dans l'île, Le (1962)
- Combat Shock (1986)
- Come Worry with Us! (2013)
- Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope (2011)
- Company Men, The (2010)
- Complex, The (2013)
- Comtesse de Bâton Rouge, La (1998)
- Conan the Destroyer (1984)
- Confessions (2010)
- Confort et l'indifférence, Le (1982)
- Congress, The (2013)
- Conjuring 2, The (2016)
- Conjuring, The (2013)
- Consentement, Le (2023)
- Conspirator, The (2010)
- Contagion (2011)
- Continental, un film sans fusil (2007)
- Contraband (2012)
- Conversation, The (1974)
- Cop Out (2010)
- Copacabana (2010)
- Copie conforme (2010)
- Coriolanus (2011)
- Cosmopolis (2012)
- Coteau Rouge (2011)
- Counselor, The (2013)
- Counterfeiters, The (2007)
- Couple témoin, Le (1977)
- Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
- CQ (2001)
- Crazed Fruit (1956)
- Crazies, The (1973)
- Crazies, The (2010)
- Crazy Heart (2009)
- Crazy Horse (2011)
- Creed (2015)
- Creed III (2023)
- Crime d'Ovide Plouffe, Le (1984)
- Crimes of the Future (2022)
- Cronos (1993)
- Crow, The (1994)
- Crowd, The (1928)
- Crying Fist (2005)
- Crying Game, The (1992)
- Curling (2010)
- Cyclo (1995)
- Cyclotron, Le (2016)
- Cyrus (2010)
- Cœur fou, Le (1970)
- D2: The Mighty Ducks (1994)
- D3: The Mighty Ducks (1996)
- Dahomey (2024)
- Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
- Dames en bleu, Les (2009)
- Damnation (1988)
- Dance of Reality, The (2013)
- Dangerous Method, A (2011)
- Dans les villes (2006)
- Danse - Le ballet de l'Opéra de Paris, La (2009)
- Darjeeling Limited, The (2007)
- Dark Knight Rises, The (2012)
- Dark Knight, The (2008)
- Dark Shadows (2012)
- Dark Tower, The (2017)
- Daughters of the Dust (1991)
- David contre Goliath (2022)
- Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)
- Day the Earth Stood Still, The (2008)
- Daybreakers (2009)
- Daytime Drinking (2008)
- De père en flic (2009)
- De rouille et d'os (2012)
- De vrais mensonges (2010)
- Dead Alive (1992)
- Dead Girl, The (2006)
- Dead Man Down (2013)
- Deadfall (2012)
- Dear John (2010)
- Debt, The (2010)
- Decameron, The (1971)
- Décharge (2011)
- Dédé, à travers les brumes (2009)
- Deep End (1970)
- Delicatessen (1991)
- Deliver Us from Evil (2009)
- Délivrez-nous du mal (1966)
- Dellamorte dellamore (1994)
- Delta (2008)
- Démantèlement, Le (2013)
- Democrats (2015)
- Dennis Rodman's Big Bang in PyongYang (2015)
- Departures (2008)
- Deranged... The Confessions of a Necrophile (1974)
- Dérapages (2012)
- Dernier métro, Le (1980)
- Des hommes et des dieux (2010)
- Descendants, The (2011)
- Déserts (2016)
- Despicable Me (2010)
- Destierros (2017)
- Desvío de noche (2022)
- Detention (2011)
- Dette, La (2011)
- Deux Anglaises et le continent, Les (1971)
- Deux jours, une nuit (2014)
- Devil Inside, The (2012)
- Devil's Double, The (2011)
- Devils, The (1971)
- Dévorer la nuit (2024)
- Diary of the Dead (2007)
- Dictator, The (2012)
- Die Hard (1988)
- Dieu existe, son nom est Petrunya (2019)
- Diplomates à la tomate (1989)
- Dirty Dozen, The (1967)
- Dirty Wars (2013)
- Dis-moi pourquoi ces choses sont si belles (2023)
- Disappearance of Alice Creed, The (2009)
- Disco Boy (2024)
- District 9 (2009)
- Divine Intervention (2002)
- Django Unchained (2012)
- Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World (2023)
- Dodes'ka-den (1970)
- Dogtooth (2009)
- Dolemite (1975)
- Dolemite (1975)
- Domicile conjugal (1970)
- Domination masculine, La (2009)
- Domus (2017)
- Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2010)
- Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (1973)
- Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot (2018)
- Doomsday (2008)
- Doubt (2008)
- Down Terrace (2009)
- Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972)
- Dracula Has Risen from the Grave (1968)
- Drag Me to Hell (2009)
- Dream (2008)
- Dredd (2012)
- Drive (2011)
- Drive Angry (2011)
- Drive My Car (2021)
- Drug War (2012)
- Dunkirk (2017)
- E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
- Eagle, The (2011)
- East, The (2013)
- Eastern Promises (2007)
- Easton's Article (2012)
- Eat Pray Love (2010)
- Eaux profondes, Les (2019)
- Écartée (2016)
- Eden (2014)
- Eden à l'Ouest (2009)
- Edge of Heaven, The (2007)
- Edge of Tomorrow, The (2014)
- Education, An (2009)
- Eiger Sanction, The (1975)
- Eldorado (2008)
- Élégant (2009)
- Elena (2011)
- Elle et lui (1963)
- Elvis (2022)
- Embrace of the Serpent (2015)
- Émotifs anonymes, Les (2010)
- Emperor's Naked Army Marches On, The (1987)
- Empire Bossé, L' (2012)
- En attendant Avril (2018)
- En guerre (2018)
- En solitaire (2013)
- En terrains connus (2011)
- Enchanted (2007)
- Encounters at the End of the World (2007)
- End of the Tour, The (2015)
- End of Time, The (2012)
- Enemy (2013)
- Enfance du mal, L' (2010)
- Enfant sauvage, L' (1970)
- Enfer d'Henri-Georges Clouzot, L' (2009)
- Enlèvement de Michel Houellebecq, L' (2014)
- Enquête sur la sexualité (1964)
- Enter the Void (2009)
- Entire Days Together (2019)
- Entre les murs (2008)
- Enys Men (2022)
- Episode 3: 'Enjoy Poverty' (2009)
- Equalizer 3, The (2023)
- Equinox Flower (1958)
- Esprit des lieux, L' (2006)
- Esquive, L' (2003)
- Essential Killing (2010)
- États-Unis d'Afrique, Les (2011)
- Étrange couleur des larmes de ton corps, L' (2013)
- Etreintes brisées (2009)
- Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (2007)
- Eve's Necklace (2009)
- Event Horizon (1997)
- Evil - In the Time of Heroes (2009)
- Evil Dead (2013)
- Evil Does Not Exist (2023)
- Ex Machina (2015)
- Excision (2012)
- Excitement of the Do-Re-Mi-Fa Girl, The (1985)
- Exercice de l'État, L (2011)
- Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010)
- Expendables 2, The (2012)
- Expendables, The (2010)
- Expo 67: Mission Impossible (2017)
- Extract (2009)
- Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2011)
- Fabelmans, The (2022)
- Fable, The (2024)
- Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le (2001)
- Face/Off (1997)
- Fair Game (2010)
- Fais-moi plaisir! (2009)
- Falstaff (1965)
- Famille Wolberg, La (2009)
- Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
- Fantôme de la liberté, Le (1974)
- Fantômes d'Ismaël, Les (2017)
- Far From Heaven (2002)
- Fast & Furious 6 (2013)
- Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, The (2006)
- Fast Five (2011)
- Faster (2010)
- Fasto (2008)
- Fatima (2015)
- Faust (2011)
- Fausta : La Teta Asustada (2009)
- Faute à Voltaire, La (2000)
- Félix et Meira (2014)
- Femme d'à côté, La (1981)
- Femme sans tête, La (2008)
- Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
- Feuilles mortes, Les (2023)
- Fifth Cord, The (1971)
- Fight Church (2014)
- Fighter, The (2010)
- Filière 13 (2010)
- Fille aux yeux d'or, La (1961)
- Fille du RER, La (2009)
- Fille inconnue, La (2016)
- Film socialisme (2010)
- Final Destination 5 (2011)
- Finding Vivian Maier (2013)
- First Cow (2019)
- Fish Story (2009)
- Fish Tank (2009)
- Five Broken Cameras (2011)
- Five-Year Engagement, The (2012)
- Flash Gordon (1980)
- Flesh and the Devil (1926)
- Flesh+Blood (1985)
- Flick / Dr. Frankenstein on Campus (1970)
- Flight (2012)
- Flor, La (2018)
- Flowers of War, The (2011)
- Footnote (2011)
- For Colored Girls (2010)
- For Love's Sake (2012)
- For the Love of Spock (2016)
- Foragers (2022)
- Forever Enthralled (2008)
- Forgotten (2021)
- Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1971)
- Fourth Kind, The (2009)
- FP, The (2011)
- Frances Ha (2012)
- Frankenstein Created Woman (1967)
- Frankenweenie (2012)
- Frantz (2016)
- French Immersion (2011)
- French Kiss (2011)
- Frère et soeur (2022)
- Freshman, The (1925)
- Friday the 13th (1980)
- Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
- Friday the 13th Part III (1982)
- Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
- Fright Night (2011)
- Fright Night (1985)
- Fritz the Cat (1972)
- Frozen (2013)
- Frozen River (2008)
- Fruit (2020)
- Fruit Hunters, The (2012)
- Full Blast (1999)
- Funeral Parade of Roses (1969)
- Funkytown (2011)
- Funny People (2009)
- Fuocoammare : par-delà Lampedusa (2016)
- Furious Seven (2015)
- Fury (1936)
- G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)
- Gabrielle (2013)
- Gaetan (2014)
- Gainsbourg (vie héroïque) (2009)
- Gallants (2010)
- Gamera (1965)
- Gamera vs. Gyaos (1967)
- Gamera vs. Viras (1968)
- Gamin au vélo, Le (2011)
- Gangster Squad (2013)
- Garçons sauvages, Les (2017)
- Garden of Words, The (2013)
- Géants, Les (2011)
- Gemini Man (2019)
- Genèse, La (1999)
- Genius Party (2007)
- Gerry (2011)
- Get Him to the Greek (2010)
- Get Low (2009)
- Get Out (2017)
- Ghost in the Shell (1995)
- Ghost in the Shell (2017)
- Ghost Story, A (2017)
- Ghost Writer, The (2010)
- Ghostbusters (2016)
- Giallo (2009)
- Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The (2011)
- Girlfriend Experience, The (2009)
- Gladiator II (2024)
- Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III, A (2013)
- Global Metal (2008)
- Godland (2022)
- Gods of Egypt (2016)
- Godzilla (1954)
- Godzilla (2014)
- Godzilla Minus One (2023)
- Gold Rush, The (1925)
- Golden Compass, The (2007)
- Golden Slumber (2010)
- Goltzius and the Pelican Company (2012)
- Gomorrah (2008)
- Gone Girl (2014)
- Good Day to Die Hard, A (2013)
- Good Neighbours (2010)
- Good, the Bad, the Weird, The (2008)
- Goodnight Mommy (2014)
- Goon (2011)
- Goya's Ghosts (2006)
- Graine et le mulet, La (2007)
- Graines du figuier sauvage, Les (2024)
- Gran Torino (2008)
- Grand Budapest Hotel, The (2014)
- Grand Meaulnes, Le (1967)
- Grandes chaleurs, Les (2009)
- Grandmaster, The (2013)
- Grass (2018)
- Grave (2016)
- Grave of the Fireflies (1988)
- Gravity (2013)
- Great Gatsby, The (2013)
- Great Wall, The (2016)
- Green Fish (1997)
- Green Hornet, The (2011)
- Green Lantern (2011)
- Green Zone (2010)
- Greenberg (2010)
- Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
- Grey, The (2012)
- Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
- Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022)
- Guilty of Romance (2011)
- Guimba, un tyran, une époque (1995)
- Habemus Papam (2011)
- Haine, La (1995)
- Half-Breed, The (1916)
- Halloween (1978)
- Halloween (2018)
- Halloween II (2009)
- Han Gong-ju (2013)
- Handle Me With Care (2008)
- Hangover Part II, The (2011)
- Hangover Part III, The (2013)
- Hangover, The (2009)
- Hanna (2011)
- Hansel & Gretel (2007)
- Happy End (2017)
- Happy Few (2010)
- Happy-Go-Lucky (2008)
- Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai (2011)
- Hard Core Logo (1996)
- Hard Core Logo II (2010)
- Hard to Be a God (2013)
- Hard Truths (2024)
- Hardware (1990)
- Harry Brown (2009)
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
- Haunting, The (1963)
- Haywire (2011)
- Hazard (2005)
- Headshot (2012)
- Heavenly Creatures (1994)
- Heavy Traffic (1973)
- Heimat is a Space in Time (2019)
- Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)
- Hello Ghost (2010)
- Hello Mary Lou - Prom Night II (1987)
- Hellraiser (2022)
- Her (2013)
- Herbes sèches, Les (2023)
- Hereditary (2018)
- Heretic (2024)
- Hidden Fortress, The (1958)
- Higanjima (2009)
- High School (2010)
- High Sun, The (2015)
- High-Rise (2015)
- Hijacking, A (2012)
- Histoires d'hiver (1999)
- Hitchcock (2012)
- Hitchcock/Truffaut (2015)
- Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The (2012)
- Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, The (2013)
- Hobo with a Shotgun (2011)
- Holland (2008)
- Holy Angels (2017)
- Holy Motors (2012)
- Holy Mountain, The (1973)
- Home Feeling: Struggle for a Community (1984)
- Home Invasion (2023)
- homme qui rit, L' (2012)
- Homme qui voulait vivre sa vie, L' (2010)
- Hommes à louer (2008)
- Hop (2011)
- Horloger de Saint-Paul, L' (1974)
- Horrible Bosses (2011)
- Horror Stories (2012)
- Horrors of Malformed Men (1969)
- Host, The (2006)
- Host, The (2013)
- Hot Dog (2013)
- Hot Fuzz (2007)
- Hot Sugar's Cold World (2015)
- Hotel by the River (2018)
- Housemaid, The (1960)
- How to Have Sex (2023)
- Howling, The (1981)
- Hugo (2011)
- Human Bullet, The (1968)
- Human Centipede (First Sequence), The (2009)
- Human Surge, The (2016)
- Hunger (2008)
- Hunger Games, The (2012)
- Hurt Locker, The (2008)
- Hyde Park on Hudson (2012)
- Hymn to a Tired Man (1968)
- I Called Him Morgan (2016)
- I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)
- I Love You, Man (2009)
- I Saw the Devil (2010)
- I Spit on Your Grave (2010)
- I'm Here (2010)
- I'm Still Here (2010)
- I, Daniel Blake (2016)
- Iceman, The (2012)
- Ida (2013)
- Ides of March, The (2011)
- Idiots and Angels (2008)
- Il demonio (1963)
- Il était une fois les Boys (2013)
- Il n'y a pas de faux métier (2020)
- Il Posto (1961)
- Il se peut que la beauté ait renforcé notre résolution - Masao Adachi (2011)
- Illégal (2010)
- Illusionniste, L' (2010)
- Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS (1975)
- Image manquante, L' (2013)
- Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, The (2009)
- Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle, The (2009)
- Immigrant, The (2013)
- Immortal (Ad Vitam) (2004)
- Immortal Love (1961)
- Impardonnables (2011)
- Import/Export (2007)
- Imposture, L' (2010)
- In a Better World (2010)
- In a Violent Nature (2024)
- In Front of Your Face (2021)
- In the Heat of the Night (1967)
- In the Valley of Elah (2007)
- In Time (2011)
- Incendies (2010)
- Inception (2010)
- Inch'Allah (2012)
- Incredible Hulk, The (2008)
- Incredible Shrinking Man, The (1957)
- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
- Infidèles, Les (2012)
- Infinite Man, The (2014)
- Infinity Pool (2023)
- Informant!, The (2009)
- Inglourious Basterds (2009)
- Inherent Vice (2014)
- Innkeepers, The (2011)
- Inside Lara Roxx (2011)
- Intérieurs du Delta (2009)
- Interstellar (2014)
- Into Eternity (2010)
- Into the Abyss (2011)
- Intolerance (1916)
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
- Ip Man 2 (2010)
- Irène (2009)
- Iron Claw, The (2023)
- Iron Lady, The (2011)
- Iron Man (2008)
- Iron Man 2 (2010)
- Iron Man 3 (2013)
- Iron Ministry, The (2014)
- Isle of Dogs (2018)
- It Chapter Two (2019)
- It's Kind of a Funny Story (2010)
- It's Me, It's Me (2013)
- Ivakkak: the Return of the Inuit Dog (2020)
- L'événement (2021)
- L'héroïque lande – La frontière brûle (2017)
- L'homme à la caméra (1929)
- L.627 (1992)
- L.A. Tea Time (2019)
- La Sapienza (2014)
- Labrecque, une caméra pour la mémoire (2017)
- Lac, Un (2008)
- Lady Bird (2017)
- Lady Jane (2008)
- Lady Vanishes, The (1938)
- Lady, The (2011)
- Lance et compte (2010)
- Land Before Time, The (1988)
- Land of Hope, The (2012)
- Langue universelle, Une (2024)
- Largo Winch (2008)
- Larry Crowne (2011)
- Lascars (2009)
- Last Night (2010)
- Last Stand, The (2013)
- Last Station, The (2009)
- Last Temptation of Christ, The (1988)
- Last Voyage of the Demeter, The (2023)
- Late Phases (2014)
- Late Spring (1949)
- Laurence Anyways (2012)
- Laurentie (2011)
- Layer Cake (2004)
- Laylou (2012)
- Le Banquet (2008)
- Le Diable est parmi nous (1972)
- Le Havre (2011)
- Le monde nous appartient (2012)
- Lebanon (2009)
- Left Handed (2008)
- Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (2010)
- Legend of the Mountain (1979)
- Lego Movie, The (2014)
- Leila's Brothers (2022)
- Lemmy (2010)
- Léolo (1992)
- Les dames du 9e (1998)
- Leslie, My Name Is Evil (2009)
- Lesson of the Evil (2012)
- Let Me In (2010)
- Let the Right One In (2008)
- Let the Summer Never Come Again (2017)
- Letters to Juliet (2010)
- Lettre à l'oeil (1993)
- Lettre à Senghor (1998)
- Leviathan (2012)
- Liberté (2009)
- Libres, Les (2020)
- Licorice Pizza (2021)
- Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The (2004)
- Life Back Then (2011)
- Life During Wartime (2009)
- Life Is Hot in Cracktown (2009)
- Life of Brian (1979)
- Life of Pi (2012)
- Life, Above All (2010)
- Lighthouse, The (2019)
- Like Crazy (2011)
- Like Someone in Love (2012)
- Limitless (2011)
- Lincoln (2012)
- Little Children (2005)
- Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane, The (1976)
- Little Pond, A (2009)
- Liverpool (2012)
- Living Is Easy with Eyes Closed (2013)
- Livre d'image, Le (2018)
- Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World (2016)
- Lockout (2012)
- Loin du Vietnam (1967)
- London River (2009)
- Lone Survivor (2013)
- Lonely Place to Die, A (2011)
- Looper (2012)
- Los Angeles Plays Itself (2003)
- Lost Daughter, The (2021)
- Lost Song (2008)
- Louis Cyr: l'homme le plus fort du monde (2013)
- Love & Friendship (2016)
- Love & Loathing & Lulu & Ayano (2010)
- Love Guru, The (2008)
- Loveless (2017)
- Lovely Bones, The (2009)
- Lowlife (2012)
- Lucky Luke (2009)
- Lure, The (2015)
- Lycéen, Le (2022)
- Lynch/Oz (2022)
- M3GAN (2022)
- Ma Loute (2016)
- Ma part du gâteau (2011)
- Ma vie de Courgette (2016)
- Ma vie réelle (2012)
- Machete (2010)
- Mad God (2021)
- Mad Max (1979)
- Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985)
- Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
- Made in Dagenham (2010)
- Mademoiselle Kenopsia (2023)
- Maestro (2023)
- Magasin des suicides, Le (2012)
- Magdala (2022)
- Maggie (2015)
- Magic in the Moonlight (2014)
- Magic Mike (2012)
- Magic Mike XXL (2015)
- Magnificent Ambersons, The (1942)
- Mai mai miracle (2009)
- Maigret (2022)
- Mama (2013)
- Mamma Roma (1962)
- Mammy's Boy (1923)
- Man from Nowhere, The (2010)
- Man Hunt (1941)
- Man of Steel (2013)
- Man on Wire (2008)
- Manchester by the Sea (2016)
- Mandrill (2009)
- Mange tes morts (2014)
- Manic (2017)
- Mank (2020)
- Maps to the Stars (2014)
- Marathon Man (1976)
- Marcello Mio (2024)
- Marche à suivre, La (2014)
- Marécages (2011)
- Margaret (2011)
- Margot at the Wedding (2007)
- Maria (2024)
- Mariages (2001)
- Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present (2012)
- Mark (2009)
- Mars et Avril (2012)
- Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011)
- Martian, The (2015)
- Martyrs (2008)
- Marwencol (2010)
- Mary and Max (2009)
- Master, The (2012)
- Matinee (1993)
- Matrix Resurrections, The (2021)
- Maurice Richard (2005)
- May December (2023)
- Mechanic, The (2011)
- Meg 2 - The Trench (2023)
- Megalopolis (2024)
- Melancholia (2011)
- Memoria (2021)
- Memories of Underdevelopment (1968)
- Men (2022)
- Men in Black III (2012)
- Men on the Bridge (2009)
- Menu, The (2022)
- Merditude des choses, La (2009)
- Mesrine: L'ennemi public n°1 (2008)
- Mesrine: L'instinct de mort (2008)
- Météore, Le (2013)
- Metropolis (1927)
- Mia madre (2015)
- Micmacs à tire-larigot (2009)
- Midnight in Paris (2011)
- Midnight Meat Train, The (2008)
- Midnight Special (2016)
- Midnight Swim, The (2014)
- Mighty Ducks, The (1992)
- Mildred Pierce (1945)
- Millennial Rapture, The (2012)
- Millennium Actress (2001)
- Mimic (1997)
- Minari (2020)
- Mind Game (2004)
- Minority Report (2002)
- Mirage, Le (2015)
- Miron - Un homme revenu d'en dehors du monde (2013)
- Mise a l'aveugle, La (2012)
- Misérables, Les (2012)
- Miss Bala (2011)
- Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)
- Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015)
- Mister Lonely (2007)
- Moi qui ai servi le roi d'Angleterre (2006)
- Mole Song: Undercover Agent Reiji, The (2013)
- Molly's Game (2017)
- Mom and Dad (2017)
- Mommy (2014)
- Momotaro, Sacred Sailors (1945)
- Mon amour (2020)
- Mon crime (2023)
- Mon XXe siècle (1989)
- Mon œil (1971)
- Moneyball (2011)
- Monkey, The (2025)
- Monos (2019)
- Monsieur Lazhar (2011)
- Monster (2023)
- Monsters (2010)
- Moon (2009)
- Moonlight (2016)
- Moonraker (1979)
- Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
- Mort d'un bûcheron, La (1973)
- Mort de Louis XIV, La (2016)
- Most Beautiful Night of the World, The (2008)
- Mother of Tears (2007)
- mother! (2017)
- Mothra (1961)
- Mourir à tue-tête (1979)
- Mr. Arkadin (1955)
- Mr. Freedom (1969)
- Mummy, The (2017)
- Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, The (2008)
- Muppets, The (2011)
- Murder on the Orient Express (1974)
- Murmur (2019)
- Music by John Williams (2024)
- Mustang (1975)
- Mustang (2015)
- My Blueberry Nights (2007)
- My Darling Clementine (1946)
- My Dear Enemy (2008)
- My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
- My Neighbors the Yamadas (1999)
- My Queen Karo (2009)
- My Salinger Year (2020)
- My Soul to Take (2010)
- Mystère Picasso, Le (1955)
- Mystery, Alaska (1999)
- Nadia, Butterfly (2020)
- Nalujuk Night (2021)
- Nameless Gangster: Rules of the Time (2012)
- National Gallery (2014)
- Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984)
- Ne change rien (2009)
- Ne croyez surtout pas que je hurle (2019)
- Neiges du Kilimandjaro, Les (2011)
- Nénette (2010)
- Neon Demon, The (2016)
- Net Worth (1995)
- Never Let Me Go (2010)
- Never Rarely Sometimes Always (2020)
- Next Three Days, The (2010)
- nez, Le (2014)
- Niagara (2022)
- Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (2008)
- Night of the Comet (1984)
- Night of the Creeps (1986)
- Nightmare on Elm Street, A (2010)
- Nightmare on Elm Street, A (1984)
- Ninan Auassat : Nous, les enfants (2024)
- Nine (2009)
- Ninotchka (1939)
- Nitram (2021)
- No (2012)
- No Bears (2022)
- No Hard Feelings (2023)
- No Mercy for the Rude (2006)
- No One Knows About Persian Cats (2009)
- No Regrets for Our Youth (1946)
- No Way Out (1950)
- Nom des gens, Le (2010)
- Nomadland (2020)
- Nope (2022)
- Norbourg (2022)
- Norma Rae (1979)
- Norwegian Wood (2010)
- Not Your Panda (2018)
- Notes from Eremocene (2023)
- Notre jour viendra (2010)
- Now You See Me (2013)
- Nuages sur la ville (2009)
- Nuit #1 (2011)
- Nuit américaine, La (1973)
- Nuit du 12, La (2022)
- Nuits d'Afrique (1990)
- Nymphomaniac (2013)
- Pacific Rim (2013)
- Pacifiction : Tourment sur les îles (2022)
- Pain & Gain (2013)
- Palo Alto (2013)
- Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
- Papa à la chasse aux lagopèdes (2008)
- Papicha (2019)
- Paprika (2006)
- Parallax View, The (1974)
- Paranoid Park (2007)
- Paranormal Activity (2007)
- Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)
- Paranormal Activity 4 (2012)
- Parker (2013)
- Parking (2008)
- Part du diable, La (2017)
- Party's Over, The (1965)
- Party, The (1968)
- Passing Summer (2001)
- Passion (2021)
- Pater (2011)
- Pea Soup (1979)
- Pearl (2022)
- Pearl Harbor (2001)
- Peau douce, La (1964)
- Peeping Tom (1960)
- Penance (2012)
- People Under the Stairs, The (1991)
- People vs. George Lucas, The (2010)
- Peppermint Candy (1999)
- Perfect Blue (1997)
- Perfect Days (2023)
- Perfect Host, The (2010)
- Persécution (2009)
- Persepolis (2007)
- Persona non grata (2009)
- Personal Problems (1980)
- Personal Shopper (2016)
- Petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes, La (2017)
- Petite maman (2021)
- Petite reine, La (2014)
- Peyton Place (1957)
- Phantom of the Opera, The (1925)
- Phantom of the Paradise (1974)
- Phantom Thread (2017)
- Phobia 2 (2009)
- Phobia 2 (2009)
- Piché: entre ciel et terre (2010)
- Pick Pocket (1997)
- Pièce montée (2010)
- Piège américain, Le (2008)
- Pina (2011)
- Pineapple Express (2008)
- Pink Panther, The (1963)
- Pipelines, pouvoir et démocratie (2015)
- Piranha 3D (2010)
- Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
- Pires, Les (2022)
- Pirogue, La (2012)
- Place Beyond the Pines, The (2012)
- Place Called Los Pereyra, A (2010)
- Planet of the Vampires (1965)
- Playoff (2011)
- Please Give (2010)
- Poesía sin fin (2016)
- Poetry (2010)
- Poil de la bête, Le (2010)
- Poings de la fierté, Les (2012)
- Poison violent, Un (2010)
- Police Story (1985)
- Polisse (2011)
- Polyester (1981)
- Polytechnique (2009)
- Ponette (1996)
- Ponyo (2008)
- Poor Things (2023)
- Porcile (1969)
- Portrait de la jeune fille en feu (2019)
- Post Tenebras Lux (2012)
- Post Tenebras Lux (2012)
- Postal (2007)
- Postman, The (1997)
- Potiche (2010)
- Poulet aux prunes (2011)
- Poupoupidou (2011)
- Pour l'amour de Dieu (2011)
- Pour la suite du monde (1963)
- Pour toujours les Canadiens (2009)
- Pourquoi tu pleures? (2011)
- Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire (2009)
- Predators (2010)
- Premier amour, version infernale (1968)
- Premier venu, Le (2008)
- Premières armes (2018)
- Premium Rush (2012)
- Preparations for a Miracle (2024)
- Présumé coupable (2011)
- Prey (2022)
- Prince of Broadway (2008)
- Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
- Princess Mononoke (1997)
- Princesse de Montpensier, La (2010)
- Prisoner of Shark Island, The (1936)
- Prisoners (2013)
- Prisoners of the Ghostland (2021)
- Prix des mots, Le (2013)
- Problème d'infiltration, Le (2017)
- Procès Goldman, Le (2023)
- Profil Amina, Le (2015)
- Profound Desire of the Gods (1968)
- Project X (2012)
- Promare (2019)
- Prometheus (2012)
- Promised Land (2012)
- Providence (1977)
- Pusher (1996)
- Pusher (2012)
- Pusher II (2004)
- Pusher III (2005)
- Putney Swope (1969)
- Rabbit Hole (2010)
- Rafales (1990)
- Raid 2, The (2014)
- Raid: Redemption, The (2011)
- Raiders!: The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made (2015)
- Rambo (2008)
- Rang du lion, Le (2015)
- Rapt (2009)
- Rashômon (1950)
- Re-Animator (1985)
- Reach the Sky (2018)
- Real Steel (2011)
- Réalité (2014)
- Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire (2023)
- Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
- Rebelle (2012)
- Rebels of the Neon God (1992)
- Red (2008)
- Red Fever (2024)
- Red Hollywood (1996)
- Red Like the Sky (2006)
- Red Race, The (2009)
- Red Riding Hood (2011)
- Red Shoes, The (1948)
- Red State (2011)
- Red Tails (2012)
- Redoutable, Le (2017)
- Religulous (2008)
- Rendition (2007)
- Répertoire des villes disparues (2019)
- Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008)
- Repulsion (1965)
- Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010)
- Resident Evil: Degeneration (2008)
- Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016)
- Resident, The (2011)
- Respire (2022)
- Restless (2011)
- Retreat (2011)
- Rêve et la radio, Le (2022)
- Revolutionary Road (2008)
- Rewind & Play (2022)
- Riddle of Fire (2023)
- Riding Bean (1989)
- Rien à foutre (2021)
- Right at Your Door (2006)
- Right Now, Wrong Then (2015)
- Ring, Le (2007)
- Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)
- Road Warrior, The (1981)
- Roar (1981)
- Robber, The (2010)
- Robin Hood (2010)
- RoboCop (2014)
- Robuste (2021)
- Roche papier ciseaux (2013)
- Rock, The (1996)
- Rodan (1956)
- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
- Roi de l'évasion, Le (2009)
- Rojek (2022)
- Romance & Cigarettes (2005)
- Roméo Onze (2011)
- Roubaix, une lumière (2019)
- Rouge sang (2013)
- Route 132 (2010)
- Royal Affair, A (2012)
- Royaume des chats, Le (2002)
- Ruban blanc, Le (2009)
- Rubber (2010)
- Ruby Sparks (2012)
- Rum Diary, The (2011)
- Run Fatboy Run (2007)
- Runaways, The (2010)
- Running Man, The (1963)
- Rusty Knife (1958)
- Sadique baron Von Klaus, Le (1962)
- Safe (2012)
- Safe House (2012)
- Safety Last! (1923)
- Saint Ange (2004)
- Saint Omer (2022)
- Sainte Fille, La (2004)
- Salle des profs, La (2023)
- Salò ou les 120 journées de Sodome (1975)
- Salopes ou le sucre naturel de la peau, Les (2018)
- Salt (2010)
- Salt of the Earth (1954)
- Samsara (2011)
- Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto (1954)
- Samurai Rebellion (1967)
- Sanjuro (1962)
- Sans queue ni tête (2010)
- Sans soleil (1983)
- Santa Sangre (1989)
- Saragossa Manuscript, The (1965)
- Sarah préfère la course (2013)
- Satan's Town (1956)
- Sauvage (2010)
- Savages (2012)
- Saving Private Ryan (1998)
- Saya Zamurai (2010)
- Scandale (1982)
- Scaphandre et Papillon (2007)
- Scaphandrier, Le (2015)
- Scarlet Letter, The (1926)
- Scènes de chasse en Bavière (1969)
- Scenes From The Grocery (2019)
- Scenes from the Suburbs (2011)
- Scent of Green Papaya, The (1993)
- Schindler's List (1993)
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
- Scream 4 (2011)
- Scream VI (2023)
- Searchers, The (1956)
- Searching for Oscar (2018)
- Second Skin (2008)
- Secret Life of Words, The (2005)
- Secret of NIMH, The (1982)
- Secret Sunshine (2007)
- Secret World of Arrietty, The (2010)
- Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012)
- Sell Out! (2008)
- Selma (2014)
- Sens de l'humour, Le (2011)
- Separation, A (2011)
- Sept jours du talion, Les (2010)
- Septet: The Story of Hong Kong (2020)
- Serious Man, A (2009)
- Serre moi fort (2021)
- Seven Veils (2023)
- Shallow Grave (1994)
- Shame (2011)
- Shape of Water, The (2017)
- She-Devils on Wheels (1968)
- Sherlock Holmes (2009)
- Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)
- Shield of Straw (2013)
- Shin Kamen Rider (2023)
- Shin Ultraman (2022)
- Shine a Light (2008)
- Shirley (2020)
- Shivers (1975)
- Shoplifters (2018)
- Showing Up (2022)
- Shutter Island (2010)
- Si tu meurs, je te tue (2011)
- Siberia (2020)
- Sicko (2007)
- Side Effects (2013)
- Signes vitaux, Les (2009)
- Signs (2002)
- Silence de Lorna, Le (2008)
- Silent Light (2007)
- Silent Night (2023)
- Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
- Single Man, A (2009)
- Skin I Live In, The (2011)
- Skinamarink (2022)
- Skyfall (2012)
- Slap Shot (1977)
- Sleeping Beauty (2011)
- Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
- Small Things Like These (2024)
- Smash Cut (2009)
- Smattes, Les (1972)
- Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)
- Snowden (2016)
- Snowpiercer (2013)
- Snowtown (2011)
- Social Network, The (2010)
- Solaris (2002)
- Solaris (1972)
- Soleils Atikamekw (2023)
- Soloist, The (2009)
- Some Kind of Heaven (2020)
- Somewhere (2010)
- Son of Rambow (2007)
- Son of Saul (2015)
- Sorcerer's Apprentice, The (2010)
- Sorority Row (2009)
- Soul Surfer (2011)
- Sound of Metal (2019)
- Sound of My Voice (2011)
- Source Code (2011)
- Souterrain (2020)
- Souvenir: Part I & II, The (2021)
- Spaceship Earth (2020)
- Spacked Out (2000)
- Sparrow (2008)
- Spasmo (1974)
- Speak No Evil (2024)
- Spectre (2015)
- Spider-Man (2002)
- Spine Tingler! The William Castle Story (2007)
- Spirit of the Beehive, The (1973)
- Spirited Away (2001)
- Splice (2009)
- Spring Breakers (2013)
- Spy Who Came in from the Cold, The (1965)
- Square, The (2017)
- Stagecoach (1939)
- Standard Operating Procedure (2008)
- Star Trek (2009)
- Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013)
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
- Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)
- Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
- Starbuck (2011)
- Starcrash (1978)
- Ste. Anne (2021)
- Stepford Wives, The (1975)
- Still Orangutans (2007)
- Stoker (2013)
- Stones in Exile (2010)
- Story of My Death (2013)
- Strada, La (1954)
- Strange Days (1995)
- Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh, The (1971)
- Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter (1970)
- StreetDance 3D (2010)
- Strike (1925)
- Submarine (2010)
- Sucker Punch (2011)
- Sudden Death (1995)
- Sugar (2008)
- Suis-je belle? (1998)
- Suite canadienne, La (2023)
- Sukiyaki Western Django (2007)
- Sully (2016)
- Summer Wars (2009)
- Summer with Monika (1953)
- Super (2010)
- Super 8 (2011)
- Superheroes (2011)
- Sur le rivage du monde (2012)
- Surveillance (2008)
- Survival of the Dead (2009)
- Swamp Thing (1982)
- Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)
- Symbol (2009)
- Synecdoche, New York (2008)
- Take Shelter (2011)
- Taken (2008)
- Taken 2 (2012)
- Taking Woodstock (2009)
- Tale of the Princess Kaguya, The (2013)
- Tamara Drewe (2010)
- Tangerine (2015)
- Tank 432 (2015)
- Tank Girl (1995)
- Tant que j'ai du respir dans le corps (2020)
- Taqwacore: The Birth of Punk Islam (2009)
- Tár (2022)
- Taxi Driver (1976)
- Ted (2012)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016)
- Tekkon Kinkreet (2006)
- Temps d'une chasse, Le (1972)
- Temps qu'il fait, Le (1997)
- Terminator Genisys (2015)
- Terminator Salvation (2009)
- Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
- Terre de la folie, La (2009)
- Terrifier 2 (2022)
- Testament (2023)
- Tetro (2009)
- Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989)
- The Gig Is Up (2021)
- The Journals of Knud Rasmussen (2006)
- The Marksman (2021)
- Them! (1954)
- There Will Be Blood (2007)
- Thérèse Desqueyroux (2012)
- These Streets Will Never Look the Same (2024)
- They Live (1988)
- Thin Red Line, The (1998)
- Thing, The (2011)
- Thirst (2009)
- This Changes Everything (2018)
- This Is 40 (2012)
- This Is the End (2013)
- This Means War (2012)
- Thor (2011)
- Thor : The Dark World (2013)
- Thou Wast Mild and Lovely (2014)
- Three (2016)
- Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
- Three Days of the Condor (1975)
- Three Musketeers, The (2011)
- Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022)
- Thrilling Bloody Sword (1981)
- Throne of Blood (1957)
- Ti-mine, Bernie pis la gang... (1977)
- Tia et Piujuq (2017)
- Tiger's Tail, The (2006)
- Time That Remains, The (2009)
- Timecrimes (2007)
- Tin Can (2020)
- Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)
- Tirez sur le pianiste (1960)
- To Rome with Love (2012)
- Toad Road (2012)
- Tokyo Drifter (1966)
- Tokyo Godfathers (2003)
- Tokyo Story (1953)
- Tokyo Tribe (2014)
- Tolyatti Adrift (2022)
- Tom à la ferme (2013)
- Tomboy (2011)
- Tomorrowland (2015)
- Toni Erdmann (2016)
- Too Late to Die Young (2018)
- Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
- Topology of Sirens (2021)
- Torrent (1926)
- Total Recall (2012)
- Touch of Zen, A (1971)
- Tournée (2010)
- Tous les soleils (2011)
- Tout ce que tu possèdes (2012)
- Tout ce qui brille (2010)
- Tout est parfait (2008)
- Tout va bien (1972)
- Tower Heist (2011)
- Town, The (2010)
- Toy Story 3 (2010)
- Tragedy of Man, The (2011)
- Trailer Park of Terror (2008)
- Trance (2013)
- Transatlantique (2014)
- Transformers (2007)
- Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
- Transit (2018)
- Trash Humpers (2009)
- Tree of Life, The (2011)
- Tree, The (2010)
- Trenque Lauquen (2022)
- Triangle of Sadness (2022)
- Trip, The (2010)
- Trishna (2011)
- Trois princesses pour Roland (2001)
- Trois soeurs (2012)
- Trois souvenirs de ma jeunesse (2015)
- Trois temps après la mort d'Anna (2010)
- Troll 2 (1990)
- Troll Hunter, The (2010)
- Tron: Legacy (2010)
- Trotsky, The (2009)
- Trouble with Being Born, The (2020)
- Trouble with the Curve (2012)
- True Grit (2010)
- True Grit (1969)
- Truffe (2008)
- Truman Show, The (1998)
- Tu dors Nicole (2014)
- Tu te souviendras de moi (2020)
- Tucker & Dale vs Evil (2010)
- Tuesday, After Christmas (2010)
- Tueur, Le (2007)
- Tulpan (2008)
- Turbo Kid (2015)
- Turin Horse, The (2011)
- Tusk (2014)
- Twentieth Century, The (2019)
- Twilight (2008)
- Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1, The (2011)
- Twilight Saga: New Moon, The (2009)
- Twisters (2024)
- Twixt (2011)
- Two Lovers (2008)
- Two Lovers and a Bear (2016)
- Two Scoops (2008)
- Two Thousand Maniacs! (1964)
- Vache, La (1969)
- Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (1970)
- Vanishing Point (1971)
- Varan the Unbelievable (1958)
- Vendeur, Le (2011)
- Vénérable W., Le (2017)
- Venom (2018)
- Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)
- Venom: The Last Dance (2024)
- Vénus à la fourrure, La (2013)
- Venus in Furs (1969)
- Vénus noire (2010)
- Vérité, La (2011)
- Vers un avenir radieux (2023)
- Vic+Flo ont vu un ours (2013)
- Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)
- Victoria (2015)
- Videodrome (1983)
- Vie d'Adèle: Chapitres 1 et 2, La (2013)
- Vie est un long fleuve tranquille, La (1988)
- Vie moderne, La (2008)
- Vie rêvée, La (1972)
- Viewing Booth, The (2020)
- Viking (2022)
- Vil et misérable (2024)
- Village of the Damned (1960)
- Village, The (2004)
- Ville Neuve (2018)
- Vincere (2009)
- Violent Cop (1989)
- Violent Night (2022)
- Virgin Suicides, The (1999)
- Vision (2009)
- Vitalina Varela (2019)
- Vivement dimanche! (1983)
- Voie lactée, La (1969)
- Voir la mer (2011)
- Volver (2006)
- Vortex (2021)
- Vous n'avez encore rien vu (2012)
- Vrai du faux, Le (2014)
- W. (2008)
- Wailing, The (2016)
- Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
- Walk, The (2015)
- Wall Street (1987)
- Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)
- Wall-E (2008)
- Waltz with Bashir (2008)
- War Horse (2011)
- War of the Gargantuas (1966)
- War of the Worlds (2005)
- Warlords (2007)
- Warm Bodies (2013)
- Warrior (2011)
- Watch, The (2012)
- Watchmen (2009)
- Water for Elephants (2011)
- Watermark (2013)
- Watermelon Woman, The (1996)
- Waterworld (1995)
- Way Back, The (2010)
- We Are Not Speaking the Same Language (2021)
- We Are Still Here (2015)
- We Are the Flesh (2016)
- We Are the Strange (2007)
- We Bought a Zoo (2011)
- We Don't Care About Music Anyway (2009)
- We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)
- We Own the Night (2007)
- We're All Going to the World's Fair (2021)
- Weight, The (2012)
- Welcome to New York (2014)
- Wendy and Lucy (2008)
- West of Memphis (2012)
- Western Arabs (2019)
- Whale, The (2022)
- What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)
- When Father Was Away on Business (1985)
- Where the Wild Things Are (2009)
- Whip It (2009)
- Whiplash (2014)
- Whisper of the Heart (1995)
- Whistleblower, The (2011)
- White Material (2009)
- White Noise (2022)
- Who Wants to Kill Jessie? (1966)
- Wicker Man, The (1973)
- Wild Bunch, The (1969)
- Wild Hunt, The (2009)
- Win Win (2011)
- Wiñaypacha (2017)
- Wind Rises, The (2013)
- Wind That Shakes the Barley, The (2006)
- Window Horses (2016)
- Winnie-the-Pooh : Blood and Honey 2 (2024)
- Winter in Wartime (2008)
- Winter's Bone (2010)
- Wintopia (2019)
- Wizard of Gore, The (1970)
- Wolf of Wall Street ,The (2013)
- WolfCop (2014)
- Wolfman, The (2010)
- Wolfwalkers (2020)
- Wolverine, The (2013)
- Woman in Black, The (2012)
- Woman with the 5 Elephants, The (2009)
- Woman, a Gun and a Noodle Shop, A (2009)
- Woman, The (2011)
- Women Talking (2022)
- Words, The (2012)
- Works and Days (of Tayoko Shiojiri in the Shiotani Basin), The (2020)
- World War Z (2013)
- World Without End (1956)
- World's End, The (2013)
- Wreck-It Ralph (2012)
- Wrestler, The (2008)
- Written By (2009)
- Written on the Wind (1956)
- Wrong (2012)