DOSSIER : Le retour du glamour
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Robert Aldrich

nom de naissance
Robert Burgess Aldrich
date de naissance
9 août 1918
date de décès
5 décembre 1983
Longs métrages
...All the Marbles (1981)
Frisco Kid, The (1979)
Choirboys, The (1977)
Twilight's Last Gleaming (1977)
Hustle (1975)
Longest Yard, The (1974)
Emperor of the North Pole (1973)
Ulzana's Raid (1972)
Grissom Gang, The (1971)
Too Late the Hero (1970)
Killing of Sister George, The (1968)
Legend of Lylah Clare, The (1968)
Dirty Dozen, The (1967)
Flight of the Phoenix, The (1965)
Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964)
4 for Texas (1963)
Sodom and Gomorrah (1962)
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)
Last Sunset, The (1961)
Angry Hills, The (1959)
Ten Seconds to Hell (1959)
Garment Jungle, The (1957)
Attack (1956)
Autumn Leaves (1956)
Big Knife, The (1955)
Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
Apache (1954)
Vera Cruz (1954)
World for Ransom (1954)
Big Leaguer (1953)
Courts métrages
Greatest Mother of Them All, The (1969)